Every season or every year, we love watching our campaigns rack up social media hits and Web views. But what about the long term benefits? Oasis presents the case of the Quebec Ski Area Association (ASSQ) and Charlevoix Tourism.

Using indicators to measure the short-term performance of ad and promotional campaign initiatives is one thing, but the recurrence of these actions is crucial for determining the potential penetration of a particular market. Over the last several years, Oasis has had the good fortune to work on several recurrent campaigns that show how constant and consistent efforts over the longer term can generate measurable changes in market share.

ASSQ: A 7% increase in the number of winter sports enthusiasts after five years

The awareness campaigns launched in 2011 by ASSQ, in collaboration with Oasis, are a prime example of how a long-game strategy can pay off, as borne out by the results of a 2015 study showing that the percentage of Quebec skiers increased from 15% to 22% of the population over a five-year period. The campaigns have sought to rekindle Quebecers’ love of skiing by getting former skiers back on the slopes and attracting more newcomers to the sport. Using mass media, they played up the emotional connection to achieve their objectives. In light of these results and convinced of the relevance of these actions, the ASSQ board recently renewed its contract with the agency and significantly increased its investment for the next campaign.

Charlevoix Tourism

Nine years of working with Charlevoix Tourism have made Charlevoix the most popular and best-known tourist destination among Quebecers. In a recent study carried out by the firm IPSOS, Oasis was proud to report that, major cities aside, Charlevoix ranked as the best-known region in the minds of Quebecers who travel within the province. After nearly 20 summer and winter campaigns and steady growth in campaign results, we were able, once again, to measure the benefits of a consistent, long-term approach.

By Benoit Renaud